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Medical Glue Treatment | Dr Ryan McConnell | Kingswood, Sydney

Treatments we provide

Ambulatory Phlebectomy

What is ambulatory phlebectomy?

An Ambulatory Phlebectomy is a surgery done on an outpatient basis that removes varicose veins by making a few small incisions in the skin.

Ambulatory phlebectomy is very effective at removing large, protruding surface veins and provides remarkable cosmetic results. The surgery can be done as an outpatient procedure while being under local anaesthesia. After surgery, patients can get back to their normal activities right away but are advised against doing anything too strenuous for two weeks.

How is an ambulatory phlebectomy treatment performed?

  1. Varicose veins are initially marked using a felt-tip marker.
  2. Local anaesthesia is administered to the skin and around the varicose veins.
  3. Tiny incisions are made at the treatment area.
  4. Varicose veins are removed using a phlebectomy hook through the small incision location.

How long does the procedure take?

The procedure takes approximately 1-2 hours.


After the treatment, compression stockings are put on and need to be worn for about two weeks. It’s crucial to get up and walk around, as doing so promotes the release of excess fluid from the treated areas, lowers the risk of blood clots, and accelerates the healing process.

A day or two after the procedure, your doctor will typically remove the bandage and examine the wounds. You should continue to wear compression stockings for two weeks after the bandage is taken off.


Patients will be examined in the clinic 2 weeks after the treatment to gauge how well they are healing. An ultrasound will be carried out to rule out the unlikely chance of deep vein thrombosis.

Why choose ambulatory phlebectomy treatment for your varicose vein condition?

For patients who desire to treat both asymptomatic and symptomatic varicose veins, this course of treatment is an excellent option.

There are a few factors to consider when deciding whether ambulatory phlebectomy is the right course of action for you:

  • The most efficient option for bulging veins.
    Due to the fact that ambulatory phlebectomy is the complete removal of surface veins, it is the most efficient option for bulging and unsightly veins.
  • The procedure is minimally invasive.
    A local anaesthetic and a tiny incision are all that are needed for the surgical procedure. Because it is minimally invasive, the procedure can be carried out in a clinic at one of Dr Ryan McConnell’s locations, rather than a surgical centre.
  • Brief recovery time.
    Patients can return home on the same day as their treatment. Following the operation, some minor discomfort is normal. Patients may also experience minor swelling or bruising close to the incision site.
  • Complications are uncommon
    Although ambulatory phlebectomy is considered a safe, minimally invasive procedure, as with any surgical procedure there are risks involved, including:
    • An allergic reaction to the anaesthesia that was administered
    • Bruising and infection at the treatment site
    • Nerve damage
    • Inflammation

Patients should contact their doctor if they experience any of these symptoms.

Take control of your vein health. Book an appointment today.