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Microsclerotherapy | Spider Veins | Spider Vein Treatment

Treatments Dr McConnell provides


Spider veins

Spider veins and reticular veins are tiny, engorged veins that lie close to the skin surface. They may be red, purple, or blue in colour. They commonly occur on the leg but can appear on the face or other body areas. They are extremely common, affecting approximately 80% of both men and women. Spider veins although not in themselves dangerous can be a sign of underlying vein disease. The appearance of the spider veins may significantly negatively affect an individual’s self-confidence.

Fortunately, spider veins can be simply treated with sclerotherapy by our vein specialist, Dr McConnell. The procedure is performed in an outpatient setting with minimal to no downtime.

Sclerotherapy for spider veins (Microsclerotherapy)

Microsclerotherapy is a walk-in walk-out minimally invasive low risk procedure for the treatment of spider veins (telangiectasias) and slightly larger feeder veins (reticular veins). Under direct vision, a solution (sclerosant) is injected into the diseased spider vein. The sclerosant irritates the inner lining of the vein causing it to collapse. Over time, the treated vein is reabsorbed by your body. Blood flow from the affected vein is rerouted to healthy functioning surrounding veins.

The procedure process

The length of the procedure ranges from 30-60 minutes depending upon the number of affected veins:

  • The patient is examined by the practitioner after his/her consent.
  • Your vein specialist, Dr Ryan McConnell, injects sclerosant into the affected vein causing them to shut down.
  • Multiple injections may be administered in an appointment depending upon the extent of venous disease.

Recovery and aftercare

  • After the procedure is complete, a compression stocking should be worn for 4 days.
  • Patients are advised to walk regularly and for at least 30 minutes immediately after the procedure.
  • There is minimal downtime with patients able to return to normal activities immediately.
  • Minor bruising of the treated area is expected and it goes away within a few days.
  • A follow-up appointment 4 weeks after the procedure will be organized to assess the treatment progress.

Why choose Dr Ryan McConnell?

Are you self-conscious about your spider veins? Dr McConnell offers our patients the latest techniques like microsclerotherapy to ensure the best results. He will evaluate your condition, provide you with treatment options and allow you to make the final decision about what course of action is best for you.


Contact Dr McConnell’s rooms on (02) 9023 9970 or via email at info@drryanmcconnell.com.au.


Microsclerotherapy is suitable for people wishing to improve the appearance of their surface/spider veins and to relieve some of the symptoms associated with spider veins, including aching, burning, swelling and night cramps. Microsclerotherapy is considered the gold standard treatment for leg spider veins.

The fine needle size used for microsclerotherapy ensures that patients experience minimal discomfort or pain. We also apply topical anaesthetic gel on the region to be treated to minimise discomfort as much as possible.

Patients can usually expect to see definitive results within 4-6 weeks after treatment. Whilst everyone responds differently to sclerotherapy, it is common for patients to require more than one treatment to achieve an optimal outcome. The number of treatments needed depends on the size and extent of the abnormal veins.  Dr McConnell will provide a guide as to the number of sessions required during the initial consultation.

Microsclerotherapy is considered a very safe low risk procedure.

However, as with all procedures it includes some risks, including:

  • Pigmentation/Staining
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (<1% of cases)
  • Telangiectatic matting


Other rare complications (<0.5% of cases) include:

  • Allergic reaction
  • Ulceration
  • Infection


A complete and detailed list of potential risks and complications will be provided to you during your consultation.

Before and Afters

Take control of your vein health. Book an appointment today.